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UC-AFT Rally for a Fair Contract: Nov 18 UC Berkeley


After nine months of bargaining and two contract extensions, negotiations over the Unit 18 MOU have reached a critical point.  Rally Nov. 18 Berekely.
Rally Details      
11:30am: Gather at Barrows- march down to California Hall
Noon: Rally at California Hall with speakers including students, senate faculty allies, and members of bargaining team 
12:35pm: March to Campanile to show solidarity with our students participating in a walkout organized by the Black Student Union

Join the rally! RSVP here:
We've made some progress, but serious barriers remain on our primary goals of improving job security for pre-six lecturers, securing social security coverage for part-time lecturers who don't have access to the pension, and improving non-senate faculty access to campus and departmental governance.

  • When we asked for more stable pre-continuing appointments, UC responded that they do not want or intend for lecturers to have careers at UC.
  • When we asked for social security for all lecturers, UC told us that they are unwilling to pay for part-time lecturers to get coverage by America's most basic retirement safety net.
  • When we asked for better recognition for lecturers within our departments, UC told us there isn't enough space on the internet to add lecturer profiles to department webpages.  
  • And, when we ask for fair raises for lecturers, they offered us a 1.5% raise over four years.

UC-AFT is fighting hard at the bargaining table for improvements in our contract that will provide lecturers the security we need to be the excellent teachers our students expect and deserve.  It's a shame that the UC administration doesn't value our time, commitment and contributions to UC's instructional mission.

Fortunately, we can move UC at the table, and with your support it's still possible to secure important improvements in our contract.  Bargaining will take place at Berkeley's Clark Kerr campus on November 18 10am-5pm.  

We need your attendance at our bargaining support rally to help change the trajectory of bargaining. Please follow this link to rsvp for the rally:

Santa Cruz Rolling Rally for Stable Appointments