
Originally drafted upon UC-AFT’s founding in 1972, our Constitution and Bylaws establish our union’s structure and democratic decision-making processes. They have been amended several times, most recently in 2021, when our various campus organizations merged to form a single union local, AFT 1474. 

Executive Board 

Every two years, dues-paying members of UC-AFT elect officers to our statewide Executive Board consisting of our President, Unit 18 Vice President, Unit 17 Vice President, Vice President of Grievances, Vice President of Organizing, Vice President of Legislation, and our Secretary-Treasurer. Along with our Executive Director, the Executive Board officers are responsible for all aspects of union business statewide, including union finances and budgetary matters, campaign strategy, contract enforcement, political outreach, and coalition-building. Each elected officer also plays specific roles within our union, including leading contract negotiations and enforcement for their bargaining unit, directing member outreach and recruitment, leading legislative outreach, and serving as chair for related committees. 

UC-AFT’s Executive Board meets every other week. You can view our current officers here or read about their specific duties in our Constitution.


Our statewide union has nine chapters on local campuses across the state. Each chapter is responsible for the administration of union business on their respective campus and is empowered to establish their own governance structure. Every chapter must elect its own Chair (or Co-Chairs) who are responsible for ensuring that Chapter decision-making processes are open and democratic. Chapters are the engines of our union, working with dedicated Field Representatives to direct member outreach and recruitment, organize for our campaigns, and plan events and actions. We help each other navigate review and promotion processes and understand our rights at work. And when those rights are violated, we defend one another, working together to resolve grievances, oppose layoffs, and protect our academic freedom.


Local UC-AFT chapters participate in union affairs through our Statewide Council, the highest decision-making body in our union. Each chapter is empowered to elect delegates to the Council who, along with the Executive Board, meet four times a year to discuss our union’s policies and priorities and how to best address issues affecting our members. All UC-AFT rules, regulations, and policies, including our annual budget, must be approved by a majority vote of Council delegates. Elected officers submit quarterly reports they present to the council representatives and statewide committees are encouraged to do the same. Delegates are invited to submit proposals and resolutions based on the recommendations of rank-and-file members of their local chapter. All dues-paying members of UC-AFT are encouraged to attend and participate in Council meetings – it’s a great way to better understand how our union democracy works!

Contact your chapter to join the next Council meeting.

Statewide Committees 

Our Statewide Council is also empowered to establish statewide committees that advance our union’s values and goals. These committees supplement the work we do through our local chapters and can be a valuable way to contribute to our union. Currently, we have 4 statewide committees – contact their chairs below to learn more about how you can get involved.

Anti-Racism Committee – Chair Megan Strom – contact:

Climate and Environmental Action Committee – Chair Alison Lipman – contact:

Communications Committee – Chair Caroline Luce – contact:

Housing, Homelessness, Renters Rights and Refugees Committee – Chair Catherine Winiarski contact: