Our retiree chapter was formed in spring of 2017 to facilitate involvement of members in their locals and in the broader political activities of UC-AFT, CFT, and AFT. Any UC-AFT member who has retired or left employment from the University of California is eligible to join. It is not necessary to have worked long enough for UC to have vested in UCRP to join our chapter: for some of our part-time lecturers, this would take many, many years. Dues are now $25 per year, with an optional “sustaining” dues level of $100 per year for those who would like to contribute more. Recalled retirees who are paying dues to UC-AFT through payroll deduction have their retiree chapter dues waived.
All retired members of UC-AFT are automatically members of AFT, for which no dues are collected. Our chapter dues all go to support our own chapter’s activities. To join, all that is required is to pay the chapter dues, either by check or through PayPal.
Your Chapter Governance
President and Unit 18 Co-Chair: Sandra Baringer sbaringer@ucaft.org
Vice President: Mike Rotkin mrotkin@ucaft.org
Secretary: Susan Griffin smbgriffin@gmail.com
Treasurer: Stephanie Kay ss1kay@gmail.com
Riverside site rep: Sandra Baringer sbaringer@ucaft.org
Irvine site rep: Andrew Tonkovich andrewtonkovich@ucaft.org
Unit 17 Co-Chair and Santa Barbara site rep: Sally Willson Weimer sjwweimer@sbcglobal.net
Santa Cruz site rep: Mike Rotkin mrotkin@ucaft.org
San Diego site rep: Stephen Potts stephenwpotts@gmail.com