UCM Chapter

Lecturers carrying banners, many wearing blue UC-AFT t-shirts, at UC Merced in 2019. The banner on the right reads "The UC Works Because We do" with hundreds of members' signatures. The banner on the left reads "Faculty Equity - Student Success."

Welcome to the page for the Merced chapter of UC-AFT! We may be the newest campus, but we have a strong group of dedicated individuals driven by student success and solidarity.

Your Chapter Governance

We have an Executive Committee with a Chair for each of the schools. Members can contact leadership or their chair with any concern.

Unit 18 Co-Chair – Elizabeth Cunninham

Unit 17 Co-Chair – Jerrold Shiroma

Executive Chair of SNS – Vacant

Executive Chair for SSHA – Vacant

Executive Chair of WRI and College One – Heather Devrick

Executive Chair of Engineering – Vacant

Executive Chair for Librarians – Vacant

We also have a group of dedicated folks acting as “CATs.” These are more active and vocal members of our union who help collect information, distribute information, and organize campaigns in their individual areas. Our Grievance Committee that meets regularly to strategize and actively defend our contract through labor-management meetings and the grievance process. We welcome all members to take an active role in your contract compliance. Finally, we have a group of union volunteers who are the Professional Development Fund (PDF) Committee. This group meets and distributes contractually-obligated funds from the university for our members use.

Please consider joining one or more of these effective committees dedicated to serving the membership.