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Anti-Racism Resources

UC-AFT Anti-Racism Committee (ARC)

The UC-AFT Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) seeks to address the racial politics of our union and propose changes that will actively engage members in Anti-Racist work and at every level of the union. We approach this charge with an intersectional framework that acknowledges the many ways that white supremacy overlaps and intersects with other categories of identity and structures of power.

The ARC was convened during the summer of 2020 amidst widespread protests in the United States and around the world following the murder of George Floyd by police that was filmed and shared widely on social media. Floyd’s death joins a long list of recent killings of Black people in this country at the hands of police and/or citizens, including Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade.

Campus Resources

The UC Campus resource list is a collection of various resources offered on different campuses addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as anti-racist frameworks. The committee will continue to add links, so if you have suggestions for campus links or if any links are broken, please fill out this form.

UC Berkeley


UC Berkeley Division of Equity and Inclusion

UC Berkeley Center for Teaching and Learning

Othering & Belonging Institute

UC Berkeley Library

UC Berkeley Centers for Educational Justice & Community Engagement

University Health Services


UC San Fransisco


Office of Diversity and Outreach

UCSF Library

The REPAIR Project

The Black Caucus

Campus Resource Centers and Services

UC Davis


UC Davis Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

UC Davis Transformative Justice in Education Center

UC Davis Library

UC Davis Center for Educational Effectiveness - Anti-Racism

African American Faculty and Staff Association

Community Resource Centers

UC Merced


Division of Equity, Justice, and Inclusive Excellence

Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning

UC Merced Library

The Black Book

Campus Community Centers

Counseling and Psychological Services

UC Santa Cruz


Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

UC Santa Cruz Center for Racial Justice

Keep Teaching (a collaboration between the Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning (CITL) and Online Education): Antiracist Teaching

Institute for Social Transformation: Anti-racism and Criminal Justice Reform Resources

Campus Resource Centers

Campus Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE)

UC Santa Barbara


Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Office of Black Student Development

UCSB Library

Center for Black Studies Research

Campus Resource Centers

Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor/Dean of Student Life: Grow

UC Los Angeles


UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI)

UCLA Center for the Advancement of Teaching

UCLA Library

Programs and and Resource Centers

UC Riverside


UCR Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

UC Riverside Library

UCR News “Resources to Better Understand Race, Racism, and Policing”

Ethnic & Gender Centers

UC Irvine


Office of Inclusive Excellence

UC Irvine Library

UCI’s End Racism Initiative

Campus Community Centers

UC San Diego


Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Teaching + Learning Commons

UCSD Library

Cross-Cultural Center Resource Guide for Support and Action

Student Affairs Anti-Racism Resource Page

Campus Community Centers

UC Library Resources

The Anti-Racism Committee Research & Resource List is a guide to anti-racist resources collected by the UC libraries and beyond. The Committee will continue to add links to and descriptions of anti-racist video and audio recordings, films, podcasts, websites, articles, books, syllabus collections and tools, toolkits, and journals to promote engagement in diverse perspectives. Help us create a rich resource by sharing your recommendations for anti-racist materials by using this form (also use this form to report broken links).

Keywords have been added for each resource to support discovery. If you are not familiar with Google Sheets, press Ctrl-F (Windows) or command-F (Mac) and enter the word or phrase you want to find in the search box. Matches will be highlighted.