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Systemwide Executive Board

UC-AFT is a statewide union with locals on each UC campus. The statewide union annually elects an executive board consisting of a President, Vice President of Grievances, Vice President of Organizing, Vice President of Legislation, and a Secretary/Treasurer. The executive board, with the assistance of the Executive Director, runs the union on a day-to-day basis. The executive board and Executive Director are responsible for all aspects of union business that apply system wide, including union finances, member outreach, contract administration, political work,  communications with UCOP, communications with our affiliate unions, and legal issues, among other things.

Local Executive Boards

Each local has the authority to establish their own local governance structure. Some locals are run by an executive board with elected officers for specific positions, other locals have a representative collective structure where elected members share or designate responsibilities.  Locals are responsible for the administration of all union business on their respective campuses.

Council Meetings

A body of delegates from the locals and the statewide executive board meets four times per year at Council meetings. The Council has the authority to set policy for the union. These meetings often involve discussion and debate about issues affecting our union and our members. Council meetings are a great way for local activists to become more familiar with the statewide union and to participate in statewide union decisions.