Member Resources

The links below provide access to information about the most frequent issues our colleagues face while working at UC. Your situation may have subtleties and nuances that are not captured here or you may have questions that aren’t addressed here. We encourage you to view the information below not as a definitive endpoint but as a starting point for a conversation with a colleague, a UC-AFT member-leader, or a UC-AFT field rep. Chapter contact information is available on the Chapter pages.

We also encourage you not to rely solely on the information conveyed to you by department chairs, department managers, or other administrative staff members. Our union contract is complex and members are sometimes led to believe that they have fewer rights than they actually do. Your union is the best source of information about your rights at work.

It’s also essential to know that UC gives us only 30 days from the time you knew or should have known of an issue to file a grievance over a violation of our rights. Don’t wait to see if a situation resolves itself. Get in touch right away so we can assess what’s happening together and provide the support and mutual aid you deserve.