“Op-Ed: UC churns through a quarter of its lecturers a year. Why I was forced to move on,” Los Angeles Times (2021)

In this black and white image, a lecturer, wearing graduation regalia, stands in a trash can, holding a book and raising a small sign in the style of the statue of liberty. The trash can is labelled "temp disposable faculty" - the book reads "Respect" and her sign reads "UC Unfair."

Written at the height of our 2019-2021 contract fight, UCI Lecturer Diane Mendoza Nevárez described the plight of lecturers in intimate detail: “… what message does UC send when lecturers — who are much more likely than tenure-track faculty to be women, and more likely to be BIPOC — are seemingly regarded as disposable? When UC treats lecturers as gig workers, they deny students access to the mentorship crucial for student retention and success.” Read her piece at the Los Angeles Times