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Bargaining Update #6 September 29


In the bargaining session on September 29th, UC Management presented a revised proposal on compensation. We were pleased that they responded to our proposal and included language about compensation for substitutes which are needed to avoid learning disruptions and a lack of planning time for Demonstration Teachers. Our proposal for substitutes includes conditions under which substitutes will be hired. Management's proposal only includes pay rates. Just this week, Administration did not enlist a substitute for a Specialist which resulted in a complete loss of substantive weekly planning time for many teaching teams.

Unfortunately, we are far from an agreement over many of the areas that are covered in UC Management’s proposal, and there are many issues they do not address at all. They proposed only a 4% salary increase for the last 3 years which they are tying to additional work days they have already imposed upon us without our input - which is contrary to past practice. This 4% increase is nowhere near the 10% increase that other Unit 18 members received. We also have not come to an agreement on how to fairly compensate our Dual Language Teachers.

Devin Dillon stated that there is no money in the budget to give us higher raises. Our members question this. We are concerned that three new administrators and two full-time security guards are being prioritized in the budget while Demonstration Teacher compensation is not. We also do not know from which budget Sandy McDonough, the outside attorney, is being paid. Hiring an attorney outside of UC Labor Relations comes at a very high cost and was not done for the larger Unit 18 contract, for Preuss UCSD’s MOU, or for Geffen’s MOU. Our side letter expired nearly three years ago. UC delayed our larger Unit 18 contract negotiations and our UCLA Lab School negotiations for a MOU for years while not budgeting for a substantive cost of living adjustment for 2020, 2021, or 2022. This demonstrates a lack of respect for our work and a lack of planning to attract and retain excellent educators worthy of UCLA Lab School’s students and families.

Our September 19th Compensation Proposal included language similar to previous MOUs to recognize personal leave days, funds for professional development to ensure that teachers continue to hone their practice, and funds for classroom supplies and materials. UC Management’s proposal does not cover any of these topics.

UC Management continues to insist they are only obligated to bargain over compensation but we and the Public Employment Relations Board disagree.