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Call for Nominations for UC-AFT Statewide Officers 2013-2014


To University Council - AFT

Call for Nominations for University Council Statewide Officer candidates, 2013-2014.

Please submit nominations for UC-AFT officer candidates for the following positions to the Nominations Committee members listed below by 6 March 2013.

Please note that each nominee must be a member of the local for at least one year to be eligible for nomination. Self nomination is permitted.  UC-AFT constitution and bylaws are available from the UC-AFT website listed below for information about duties. Please contact the committee members listed below for more information:  All present officers are eligible to run for re-election.

The UC-AFT web site gives current officers:

Constitution and Bylaws:

Please distribute this call to all local members.

Candidates requested for:


    Vice President for Legislation

    Vice President for Grievances

    Vice President for Organization

    Secretary Treasurer

In Unity,

Mitchell Brown

Nomination Committee Chair


Tel: 949-824-9732    

Cell: 949278-8263email: