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Jerry Brown Asks UC Students to Step Up to Pass Prop 30


F5n9cHkM.jpegSpeaking at UCLA today, Governor Jerry Brown urged students "not to be complacent" as he encouraged them to work to pass Prop 30 if they want to avoid a tuition hike. When asked by a reporter from a campus newspaper if the trigger cuts would go into effect if Prop 30 failed, Brown responded, "Yes, trigger cuts will go into effect, and they’re part of the budget and it’s automatic.”

Davis%20Oct%2016.jpgHere's some media coverage from the UC-AFT sponsored rally with Governor Brown today.

Brown pushes college students to support a tax hike

Brown fires up like-minded students at UCLA

Gov. Brown rallying students to vote for Prop 30

Governor Brown meets with campus newspapers, rallies at UCLA
