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Librarian Bargaining Update May Day 2011


The UC-AFT and the UC Administration have now exchanged opening proposals for changes in the Salary Article, which is the only article involved in the current reopener. The initial proposals are “sunshined” (a new verb) or published for the public on May 6.

The UC-AFT proposed a new salary scale that would bring UC Librarian Pay close to comparable with pay for Librarians in the California State University System in 2007 (we are being modest in our requests in light of current budget issues at UC). Even in 2007, CSU Librarians were paid about 20-25% more than UC Librarians with similar education and experience. Since 2007, CSU Librarians have had two additional pay increases. Or to put it another way, full Librarians at UC are paid at the level of CSU Associate Librarians and Associate Librarians at UC are paid at the level of Assistant Librarians at CSU. These disparities are causing problems with retention and recruitment at most UC libraries across the State.

In addition, the UC-AFT is asking for a $50 a month increase in Librarian pay to help offset recently announced increases in benefit premiums.  UC-AFT also proposes to remove the existing connection between movement on the salary scale and the award of Distinguished Librarian. Finally, the UC-AFT proposal also includes removing the special provision that allows UC to withhold merit increases while bargaining is underway  -- and UC has already threatened to withhold merits this July 1 because the union had the temerity to exercise our right to bargain salaries this year. 

The Administration’s initial proposal (or non-proposal) is, in its entirety: 

“Terms and conditions pertaining to librarian salaries shall reflect the University’s 2011-12 budgetary circumstances and the anticipated General Fund Allocation from the State of California for fiscal year 2011-12.”

Copies of the two proposals, including the UC-AFT proposed salary scale will be posted on the UC-AFT website. Bargaining will begin the first week of June.

It is obvious that under the current conditions, our success in bargaining will require not just tough negotiating at the table, but a strong show of support for UC-AFT’s bargaining position from Librarians, Lecturers, and others on the campuses throughout the UC system. Be on the lookout for further information on the sorry state of UC libraries and the need for progress in Librarian bargaining, not just for the Librarians and their families, but for UC as an institution, faculty, students and others who depend on UC libraries. We will be posting information in the near future on several proposed actions in support of Librarians and libraries at UC.

Mike Rotkin

Chief Negotiator for Unit 17