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Librarians Ratify Tentative Agreement on Furlough Program


In a clear choice for furloughs over across the board reductions in time, and or temporary layoffs, librarians have approved the tentative agreement regarding the furlough program.

Here are the campus-by-campus totals (yes votes - no votes):

Berkeley/SF     49 - 6 
Davis               22 - 1 
Santa Cruz       13 - 1
Merced              2 - 0
Santa Barbara   17 - 1 
UCLA               47 - 0
Riverside          12 - 3
Irvine                24 - 0
San Diego         14 - 0

total:   200 - 12

There were 14 mail ballots.

UCOP has told us that the program is expected to begin immediately (October 1), and you should see the deduction for furlough days in your next paycheck (November 1).  

A copy of the now-approved furlough agreement is attached as a .pdf for your reference.  Please feel free to contact Karen Sawislak or your local field representative if you have any questions.