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List of Working Group Recommendations



Click here to download the full commission report.  Page numbers below in parenthesis indicate pages with more detailed explanations of indicated recommendations.


Size and Shape  

 Recommendation 1:  Increase the number and proportion of non-resident students at the undergraduate level.  (pp. 14-18) 

 Recommendation 2:  Improve the student transfer function by developing more complete lower-division transfer pathways in high-demand majors.  (pp. 19-21) 

 Recommendation 3:  To improve the student transfer function, enhance the ASSIST website for greater user-friendliness and improved capabilities.  (pp. 22-23) 

 Recommendation 4:  Examine the utility of practice doctorates for allied health professions in terms of national healthcare quality and costs, UC and CSU missions, and the future needs of California residents.  (pp. 24-26) 

 Recommendation 5:  Eliminate administrative redundancies across the UC system and promote efficiencies where possible.  (pp. 27-28) 

Education and Curriculum 

 Recommendation 1:  Manage educational resources more effectively and efficiently to  (1) increase the proportion of undergraduate students graduating in four years, (2) create a pathway for undergraduate students to complete degrees in three years, (3) make more effective use of faculty resources, and (4) maintain or improve the undergraduate student experience. (pp. 29-35) 

 Recommendation 2:  Continue timely exploration of online instruction in the undergraduate curriculum, as well as in self-supporting graduate degrees and Extension programs.  (pp. 36-39) 

 Recommendation 3:  Expand use of self-supporting and part-time programs to expand opportunities for a UC education to existing and potential students, working professionals, and underserved communities.  (pp. 40-45) 

 Recommendation 4:  Develop a systemwide academic planning framework that incorporates campus goals within the context of priorities identified for the University as a whole.  (pp. 46-48) 

 Preliminary Recommendation:  The working group seeks UC input on its forthcoming recommendation on quality.  (pp. 49-54) 

Access and Affordability 

 Recommendation 1:  Reaffirm UC’s commitment to access for California students.  (pp. 55- 57) 

 Recommendation 2:  Reaffirm the University’s commitment to be financially accessible for all undergraduate students admitted to UC.  (pp. 58-60) 

 Recommendation 3:  Reaffirm the University’s commitment to fulfilling graduate education’s role in serving UC’s research enterprise, UC’s teaching mission, and the diverse knowledge and workforce demands of the State and beyond.  (pp. 61-63) 

 Recommendation 4:  Re-establish UC financial aid eligibility for undocumented California high school graduates.  (pp. 64-66) 10

 Recommendation 5:  Adopt a multi-year fee schedule for each entering cohort of new undergraduate students.  (pp. 67-69) 

 Recommendation 6:  Rename the Education Fee and the Professional Degree Fees (but not the Registration Fee) as “tuition.”  (pp. 70-72) 

Funding Strategies 

 Recommendation 1:  Develop a multiyear advocacy campaign aimed at grass roots opinion leaders throughout the State of California to foster public and political support for the 

University as a major priority for state funding.  (pp. 75-79) 

 Recommendation 2:  Design and implement a system to identify, promote, and adopt the best administrative practices within the UC system.  (pp. 80-83) 

 Recommendation 3:  Revise practice and policy on charging indirect cost recovery for non-federally funded research.  (pp. 84-85) 

 Recommendation 4:  Improve indirect cost recovery rates with federal agencies.  (pp. 86- 87) 

 Recommendation 5:  Adopt a multiyear strategy to replace student fees with tuition, generate new revenue to protect academic quality, and strengthen university planning.  (pp. 88-91) 

 Recommendation 6:  Increase enrollment of nonresident undergraduates.  (pp. 92-94) 

 Recommendation 7:  Advocate for a Pell Augmentation Grant to Institutions (“Pell PLUS”).  (pp. 95-100)   

 Recommendation 8:  Examine alternate faculty compensation plans.  (pp. 101-102) 

 Recommendation 9:  Allow for the possibility of charging differential tuition by campus, as a means of mitigating potential future enrollment impacts on some campuses.  (pp. 103-106) 

Research Strategies 

 Recommendation 1:  The University of California must recover a greater share of the costs of research sponsored by outside agencies and make its management of those funds more transparent to ensure accountability to its sponsors and its researchers. (pp. 111-116) 

 Recommendation 2:  UC must ensure continued excellence across a broad spectrum of cutting-edge research. To aid in this effort, UC should (1) prioritize internal funds to support world-class research in disciplines where extramural funding options are limited; (2) motivate the development of large-scale, interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects to capture new funding streams; and (3) augment and enhance opportunities for graduate student research and support wherever possible.  (pp. 117-121) 

 Recommendation 3:  Create multicampus, interdisciplinary “UC Grand Challenge Research Initiatives” to realize the enormous potential of UC’s ten campuses and three national laboratories on behalf of the state and the nation.  (pp. 122-125) 

 Recommendation 4:  Streamline risk management practices to increase the efficiency of the research enterprise, making optimal use of faculty researchers and administrative staff support.  (pp. 126-129) 

 Recommendation 5:  Proactively demonstrate the significant and long-lasting benefits that UC research provides to California and the nation and advocate at the national level for increased and sustained investment in research.  (pp. 130-131)