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Local 1966 (UCR) Letter to Ruth Jackson 8/19/11


Dear Dr. Jackson,

Since July 1st, a number of merit increases that were supposed to have gone into effect for UCR’s librarians have not been implemented.  The review process is meant to recognize and reward good work; withholding salaries and job titles effectively equates to punishing workers for being excellent employees, and plainly put, is unconscionable.  Leveraging employee’s salaries in this aleatory manner strikes us as a dirty tactic by the University during this period of conctract negotiations, and cannot be seen as anything other than blackmail.  Considering that management positions continue to undergo annual review procedures and incur raises as normal, it is understandable why we librarians are outraged.

UCR librarians have faced worsening working conditions for over a decade.  Amid layoffs and hiring freezes, we have absorbed the workloads of absent colleagues.  All this as the number of library users continues to swell, and while our salary scales trail approximately 20% behind those of our colleagues in the Cal State and Community College systems.  The deteriorating quality of our employment and the resulting diminishment of our standard of living both effect the library’s ability to recruit and retain quality employees.  We have seen both system-wide and on our own campus, well-qualified employees leaving for better opportunities elsewhere. 

Dr. Jackson, can you counter the overwhelming message from UC to its librarians that they are expendible, unimportant, and “worth less?”  Can you give us your personal assurance that you will support and fight for retroactive salary increases?  And will you commit to making every effort to have this issue resolved by the time the next round of librarian reviews begins in the fall? 

We hope we can count on your support.


Members of AFT local 1966