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Local 2034 (UCSD) Letter to Brian Schottlaender


August 31, 2011
Brian E. C. Schottlaender
The Audrey Geisel University Librarian
UC San Diego Libraries

Dear Brian,
The UCSD librarians represented by UC-AFT Unit 17 request your support during the upcoming negotiations between our union and the UC Office of the President (UCOP). These discussions will primarily concern salary, including the very important issue of UCOP’s withholding of the merit increases that should have started on July 1st for about one-third of our members.
Withholding the merit increases while negotiations are ongoing is particularly outrageous as it punishes our most productive librarians. We ask that you argue for the reinstatement of the merit funding, including the retroactive payment of these increases.
The issues under negotiation that we feel merit your attention and support are as follows:
• UCSD librarians have not received a salary range adjustment since 2008 or a cost of living increase since 2007.
• All UCSD librarians took salary decreases due to the furlough program in 2009-2010, increased payments for medical premiums, and increased payments into the pension retirement fund.
• UC librarian salaries have fallen further behind the salaries for librarians in both the California State University system and the California community colleges, with the gap currently being approximately twenty percent (20%).
• Workload and retention are increasing problems when vacancies are not filled.
• Morale is decreasing due to budget and salary concerns.
While we are aware of the budgetary strain facing the UC Libraries, we strongly believe that having the right people in place will be crucial to moving the libraries through this transformative time, and that fair compensation is essential to retaining a strong and productive workforce.
We also ask that you voice our concerns when you meet with your colleagues on the UC Council of University Librarians (CoUL).
We would be pleased to meet with you to discuss these issues.
Penny Coppernoll-Blach
UC-AFT Unit 17 Bargaining Committee Member

Michael Smith
UC-AFT Unit 17 Bargaining Committee Member