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A Message from Bob Samuels--UC-AFT Council Endorses a Dues Increase Vote


Dear UC-AFT members, 

Over the last six years, UC-AFT has successfully saved hundreds of lecturers their jobs, while also fighting the restructuring of our libraries.  In addition, the Union has bargained raises for all of our members, and we have become leaders in the fight to protect undergraduate funding for the University of California.  These difficult contractual, legal and political fights have cost the organization not only time, but also money.  We are currently, and have been for the last two years, running an annual deficit of $200,000.  In fact, if we do not do something soon, our union will run out of funds in two years.  We will then be forced to reduce services to members, by laying off staff, which, in turn, will weaken our ability to enforce our contracts, bargain new ones, and make the case for increased public funding for higher education.

One reason we lack the funds to cover our expenses is that we have not raised dues in several years.  We also have a dues cap that limits the amount of revenue we can collect from our highest earners.  In order to correct this situation, and restore our union to fiscal health, we are asking all members to vote on a limited dues (and dues cap) increase.  We propose increasing the monthly dues for all represented members from 1.35% to 1.5% of gross salary.  We also propose raising the monthly dues cap from the current $65 to $75 for represented members in 2012 and to $85 in 2013.

The UC-AFT Council voted unanimously to endorse these changes at its January meeting, and we are now sending the proposal to the campuses for ratification during the week of Feb. 20-24.  Before the vote, we will hold a series of meetings and conference calls to make sure our members understand our need to increase revenue and to answer any questions about the proposed dues increase.

If the dues proposal passes, the average dues increase per member will only be $6 a month, with the highest increase being $10 a month the first year and an additional $10 a month the next year for our highest earners.  While we understand that this increase is not insignificant, the average salary of full-time lecturers in the last six years has increased by $11,000, largely through negotiated increases.  Meanwhile, librarians received a 3% increase this year, and we are gearing up for another difficult fight around the entire librarian contract.  We also are planning to negotiate additional salary increases for lecturers this year.

You will soon receive instruction on how to cast your vote on the dues proposal.  If six of the nine campuses vote in favor, the proposal passes.  Please help us strengthen our union by voting in favor of of the dues change.

In solidarity,

Bob Samuels

President, UC-AFT

Budget Information

Budget vs. Actual July-December 2011

Schedule of Conference Calls with UC-AFT Executive Board Members

Wednesday, February 8, 4pm, with Mike Rotkin and Alan Karras

Thursday, February 9, 7pm, with Mike Rotkin and Axel Borg

Conference Line-  1-916-233-4210  or 1-866-476-8703  pin-75734