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OWS International Day of Action November 17--Occupy Your Bridges and Roads--Tents Up at Occupy UCLA!


Occupy%20UCLA_0.jpgA new international day of action has been called for by OWS today, November 17.  In N.Y., the number of Occupy protesters swelled, and there are already reports of arrests and police violence. 

Here's a link to the OWS Day of Action announcement:

Occupy UCLA has tents up in Wilson Plaza.  Check their facebook page here.  

About 200 students at UC Davis are occupying the US Bank branch in the MU on campus. They are holding a general assembly on the quad.  

Check out this great segment on Occupy and free speech from Rachel Maddow.

California LABOR Federation

Thursday: Occupy Your Bridges and Roads

"Our bridges need work -
and California's workers do, too"

More than 18,000 bridges and overpasses across the country are considered to be "structurally deficient," but Republicans in Congress have repeatedly refused to pass vital legislation that would put people back to work and keep our communities safe by rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure.

*The 99% won't tolerate cuts from Congress while our bridges crumble and America's workers are stuck in a jobless ditch.* On Thursday, November 17th, join workers and Occupy supporters across the country for a nationwide day of action by "occupying" a bridge or road in your community that's sorely in need of repair. Now is the time to call on Congress to jump-start job creation by investing in a 21st century infrastructure system!

*Join a bridge action in your area on Thursday!*

In Sacramento: Occupy Highway 99
Thursday, 4-7pm
Meet at the 12th Ave overpass
Learn more. [ ]

In LA: Occupy the 4th Street Bridge
Thursday, 7am
Meet at 3rd and Hope in downtown LA
Learn more. [ ]

In San Diego: Occupy the Clairemont Drive Bridge
Thursday, 4pm
Meet at Clairemont Drive & Morena Blvd, east of I-5
Learn more. [ ]
 [ ]

In Santa Cruz: Occupy the Water Street Bridge
Thursday, 5pm
Meet at the Bridge, between Ocean St and River St
Learn more. [ ]

In Fresno: Occupy Highway 41
Thursday, 430-6pm
Meet at specified overpass locations
Learn more. [ ]

In Stockton: "America Wants to Work" rally
Thursday, 4-6pm
Meet at 5151 Pacific Ave
Learn more. [ ]