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Refund Ca and Occupy Protests Grow after Crackdowns & Police Violence-- New Occupy UCLA Setting up Today


CSU%20Trustees%2011%3A16%3A11%20Sandy%20One week after Cal police violently smashed through a chain of students with their batons, and one day after a coordinated nationwide crack down on Occupy encampments,RefundCalifornia and Occupyprotestersregrouped in the streets of Long Beach and San Francisco.

UC-AFT Field Rep. Michelle Squitieri and UC-AFT President Bob Samuels hold a sign during the march and rally in downtown S.F. on November 16. Check this article in with quotes from UC-AFT President, Bob Samuels:  The students are coming! 


UC Regents cancelled their November 16 meeting at the last minute citing threats of violence.  The CSU Trusteeswent ahead with their meeting, but forced the public and the media out of the building before passing a 9% tuition increase.  In San Francisco,  over 90 people were arrested while occupying a Bank of America branch downtown.