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Sac Bee LtE from Local 2023 President and UCD Librarian, Axel E. Borg


UC librarians got no raises

Re "Raises in store for many UC staff, faculty members" (Capitol in brief, Aug. 18): The story implies that nonrepresented employees have not had increases in the last four years while represented employees have received increases. UC librarians are represented and have not had a salary adjustment for more than seven years. Currently our salaries lag more than 20 percent behind librarians in the CSU system.

In addition, librarians, like the rest of the UC employees, have taken on significant workload increases. In my own department in Shields Library at UC Davis we currently have two librarians, down from four in the last eight months. We are significantly understaffed and we are significantly underpaid.

Because we had the temerity to ask to bargain about our salaries, UC decided to punish librarians by withholding merit increases that have been awarded recently. These merit increases reflect the hard work that fewer and fewer librarians are taking on to support the University of California. I find President Mark Yudof's letter to be hypocritical and disingenuous.

– Axel E. Borg, West Sacramento, president, UC-AFT Local 2023 Read more: