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Sign the Open Letter in Support of Wisconsin's Public Workers


* This page is from Stephanie Taylor of

(photo via paulbaker)

For the last four days, tens of thousands of nurses, teachers, workers, students, and citizens have protested in front of the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison.

Governor Scott Walker is trying to cut benefits for state workers and take away their collective bargaining rights - and he threatened to call out the National Guard if they protest, a threat that's still on the table. 

And Democratic State Senators boldly refused to show up for a vote -- delaying the vote!

We must stand in solidarity with these Wisconsin citizens who are fighting back against the Governor. Can you sign our open letter? (Already, dozens of local and national leaders have joined us.)

Click tell the Wisconsin State Legislature to oppose Walker's budget and say no to his threat to use the National Guard against state workers!

Thousands have camped out in the capitol building overnight, a scene Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan had to admit was "like Cairo has moved to Madison."

So far, dozens of local Wisconsin leaders like Patrick Landgraf, President AFL-CIO Local 18 have signed on, and they're joined by the PCCC, VoteVets, CREDO Action, and Daily Kos, as well as thousands of people from Wisconsin and across the country.

We'll alert the media to the progress of this letter, as more and more people stand in solidarity against Gov. Walker's cuts and threats. So please pass this email to others.

Click here to sign the open letter in solidarity.

Thanks for being a bold progressive,

Stephanie Taylor, Jason Rosenbaum, Adam Green, and the PCCC team

P.S. I've got a guest column in Salon about the history of using military force against workers. Click here to read it when you have a moment.