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UC-AFT 1474 Proposed Bylaws Changes - Vote today!


Dear Local 1474 Members,

Thank you to all who provided feedback on the proposed bylaw amendments either in person at one of the membership meetings held and/or electronically! We really appreciated your input and have amended the proposed amendments to incorporate the feedback we received. We believe that these amendments will offer more opportunities for member input and involvement and further empower and strengthen the voice of members within our union. It is now time to vote on the bylaws amendments.

This vote will be conducted electronically through an online voting service called  All members will be receiving an email with your electronic ballot.  In order to vote, please review your email and follow the instructions provided.  If you haven't yet received an online ballot, email our Field Representative, Paul Bissember, at to request a ballot.  If you are not yet a member and would like to vote, make sure to join our union!  You can join by completing our online membership form by clicking on the "join" tab on our website.  Voting begins on Wednesday 9/28/16 and will conclude on Friday, 10/7/16 at 5pm.  

We hope that you will vote to approve these amendments to the bylaws, and encourage your colleagues to vote as well!

The Executive Board