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UC-AFT Endorses Nov. 28th General Strike at Davis and Solidarity Actions Across the State


The UC-AFT Executive Board voted this morning to endorse the the November 28th General Strike at UC Davis.  We have posted a guide on strike participation to help our members understand their rights to participate in sympathy strikes with respect to our union contracts.  Please review this guide.   

UC-AFT is calling on all of our members to join strike day activities and other solidarity actions at the teleconferenced Regents meetings on the campuses on November 28th.  

UC's increasing use of police intimidation and violence to suppress free speech and  free assembly must be stopped. The UC Regents must be held accountable for their use of police brutality to suppress a movement which seeks to block their attempts to privatize the UC through tuition increases and cuts to programs.

UC-AFT stands in solidarity with ongoing rallies, occupations and strikes on UC campuses which are part of  a larger movement which seeks to break up the consolidation of wealth, income and power by the super rich, including the UC Regents.  

UC-AFT stands in solidarity with the students and faculty who were beaten and pepper sprayed by police, we stand in solidarity with the thousands who have protested these events over the last few weeks, and with the individuals who have spoken truth to power.  

UC-AFT stands in solidarity with the students at UC Davis who so bravely resisted police brutality with non-violence, and whose silence so powerfully condemned the true perpetrators of violence.

UC-AFT stands in solidarity with the movement to stop the privatization of UC, to roll back fee increases, and to reform the UC Board of Regents.   

UC-AFT stands in solidarity with the participants in the General Strike and solidarity actions on November 28th.