UC-AFT Insider April 2016
University Council-AFT Insider
April 5, 2016
In this issue:
- California Faculty Association Strike at CSU April 13-15 and 18-19
- What’s New in the MOU: Implementation of Range Adjustments and Merit Increases
- Two Surveys: Lecturer Exit Interview and Pre-Continuing Unemployment Insurance
- Statewide Executive Board Elections April 16 Candidate Statements
California Faculty Association Strike at CSU April 13-15 and 18-19
CFA has scheduled a five-day strike at all California State University campuses April 13-15 and 18-19 if no settlement is reached with the CSU Administration. CFA is fighting for a 5% pay increase after several years of stagnant wages. The fact finder’s report validates the union’s position and recommends a 5% pay increase and 2.65% Service Step Increases for many eligible faculty. UC-AFT locals are organizing solidarity picket times at nearby CSU campuses. Look out for local announcements in the coming days. For real time updates on the strike, text CFAINFO to 71813. And, send a letter to Governor Brown urging him to push Chancellor White to support CSU faculty and students by agreeing to a fair raise.
What’s New in the MOU: Implementation of Range Adjustments and Merit Increases
On February 27, 2016, UC-AFT members ratified a new contract that delivers salary increases of at least 11.2% over the life of the contract. Here’s how you can expect this year’s raises to be implemented:
- If you were employed in the bargaining unit on April 1 and are on payroll on June 1 with a 10% or greater appointment, you will receive a $215 lump-sum payment with your June 1 paycheck.
- June 1 paycheck will increase by 3.2% (in addition to lump sum).
- First paycheck after July 1 will increase by 3%.
- If you receive a Continuing Appointment or Merit increase effective July 1, your salary will increase by the merit amount after the across-the-board range adjustments are made.
Two Surveys: Lecturer Exit Interview and Pre-Continuing Unemployment Insurance
The new Unit 18 MOU includes agreements that certain departments at UCLA and UCSD will report to the union when lecturers are not re-appointed. These agreements begin to address the union’s concern that many departments at UC intentionally avoid granting Continuing Appointments. UC-AFT has also launched an online exit interview so that all lecturers can self-report when their appointment has not been renewed. Information collected in the survey will be essential to future efforts to stabilize lecturer appointments. UC-AFT is also gathering information about our members’ experience applying for unemployment benefits. If you are a pre-continuing lecturer and you applied for unemployment benefits in summer 2015, please complete this brief survey.
Statewide Executive Board Elections—April 16 Oakland
The nominations period for UC-AFT's annual statewide officer election is now closed. Candidate statements for all nominees are posted to the UC-AFT website. The election will be conducted at the statewide Council meeting in Oakland on April 16. Per Article V Section 5 of the UC-AFT constitution, each Local will follow its own constitution and bylaws to elect voting delegates to the Council meeting. If you have questions about your Local's process, please contact the field representative assigned to your campus.
Join UC-AFT: Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.
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University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.
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