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UC-AFT Insider December 2016


University Council-AFT Insider                    
December 13, 2016

In this issue:

  • Don’t Mourn, Organize in Burbank on January 28!
  • Count Down to Inauguration
  • Op-Ed Project Fellowship-Write to Change the World
  • Know Your Rights: Academic Freedom and Responsibility & Concerted Activities
  • In case you missed it…College Scholarships for Dependents of UC-AFT Members

Don’t Mourn, Organize…In Burbank on January 28!
The Trump administration will present our union (and all unions) with some significant challenges in the coming years. Our focus now is on how we prepare for these anticipated challenges. UC-AFT is holding a statewide meeting in Burbank on January 28 to develop a plan to bolster our union and to refocus on our existing organizing campaigns. If you would like to attend the meeting and contribute to the vision and planning of your union, please contact the field rep or leadership at your local.

Count Down to Inauguration
The UC administration and the national AFT have issued statements expressing support for campus community members who have been directly threatened by the Trump administration. Writing Program faculty and the UC-AFT local at Davis sent this letter urging non-cooperation to the Interim Chancellor. CUCFA wrote this letter asking UCOP to further explore the legal and practical implications of designating all UC campuses as sanctuary campuses. January 19 has been called as a nationwide day of action, and groups on several UC campuses are organizing teach-ins and other activities throughout the week leading up to inauguration day. Student groups, including the graduate student union, UAW 2865, are organizing a walkout to protest Trump on January 20. Details for local actions and organizing opportunities will be posted to soon.

OpEd Project Fellowship--Write to Change the World
The Humanities Center at UCM is accepting applications for their Write to Change the World program. Working with the OpEd Project, the program helps faculty and researchers translate their work for public consumption and focuses on increasing underrepresented voices in the media. Program fellows will attend one of three one-day workshops led by OpEd Project facilitators at UCI, UCM and UCSC. The application deadline is February 1, 2017. Faculty and postdoctoral fellows from UCM, UCSD, UCLA, UCSB, UCD, UCSC, UCR, UCSF, and UCI can apply online

Know Your Rights: Academic Freedom and Responsibility & Concerted Activities
As we contemplate our personal and union response to the Trump presidency, and as campus groups organize actions to protest the rhetoric, appointments and apparent policy positions of the new administration, it is important for UC-AFT members to understand the relevant rights and responsibilities within our contracts. For Unit 18, Article 2 Academic Freedom confers the same rights that all other faculty and librarians receive through APM 010Article 3 Academic Responsibility outlines standards of conduct regarding colleagues, courses and students. Finally, both the Librarian and Lecturer contracts have no strikes clauses that prohibit the union from engaging in sympathy strikes during the life of our contracts. Read here for the union’s interpretation of the no strikes language and for information on ways you can participate in these actions.

In case you missed it…College Scholarships for Dependents of UC-AFT Members
Our parent unions, the American Federation of Teachers and the California Federation of Teachers both offer college scholarships to dependents of union members. The CFT Raoul Teilhet Scholarship ($1000, and $3000) deadline is January 10. The Union Plus Scholarship ($500-$4000) deadline is January 31. The AFT’s Robert G Porter Scholars Program ($8000, and $1000 grants) will have application information up in December. These benefits are available only to members of UC-AFT. If you have not yet joined our union, please use the link below to become a member.

Join UC-AFT:  Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.