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UC-AFT Insider June 2015


University Council-AFT Insider                     
June 4, 2015

In this issue: 

  • Lecturer Bargaining Update #5-- June 1 Events Mark Contract Extension
  • Is the Committee of Two Pension Deal Legal?
  • UC-AFT in the Library—Advocating for a Library Future at ALA
  • Know Your Rights: Unemployment Benefits and June 1 Appointment Letter Deadline

Lecturer Bargaining Update #5—June 1 Events Mark Contract Extension 
In negotiations on May 29, UC-AFT and the University agreed to extend the Unit 18 MOU through October 31.  Extension of the contract ensures that arbitration provisions remain in force while we continue to negotiate.  A brief bargaining update from the May bargaining sessions is posted on the UC-AFT website

On June 1, several UC-AFT locals held events to mark the expiration and extension of the contract.  Santa Cruz held a day-long informational picket and noon hour Precarity Picnic at the gates of campus.  Check the UC-AFT website and Facebook page for some photos and media coverage.  Please “like” our Fb page!

Is the Committee of Two Pension Deal Legal?
In early May, President Napolitano and Governor Brown struck a deal that would freeze in-state undergraduate tuition for two years andprovide additional funding for UC.  The compromise requires that the Regents adopt a program that would force new employees to elect either a defined benefit plan with a cap on pensionable compensation consistent with PEPRA or a defined contribution plan. Retirement benefits are a mandatory subject of bargaining and none of the unions were at the table when this deal was made.  This prompted the California Labor Coalition to send this letter to Senate Pro Tem Kevin De Leon objecting to the deal.  For more detail on the agreement, see the Department of Finance letter at the bottom of the letter linked above.

UC-AFT in the Library—Advocating for a Library Future at ALA
Despite overwhelming community support for libraries, budget cuts have reduced hours and services, prompted layoffs and hiring freezes and threatened collections. Library workers have united with patrons and the community to preserve adequately staffed libraries and expand essential services in a “more with less” environment.  These topics and more will be discussed by UC-AFT officers Miki Goral and Axel Borg during an ALA session called Advocating for a Library Future on Monday June 29 in San Francisco.

Know Your Rights: Unemployment Benefits and June 1 Appointment Letter Deadline 
Section 7a.B.1. of the Unit 18 MOU requires that departments issue appointment letters for the following academic year by June 1, or as soon as practicable thereafter.  If you have been told that you will teach next year, but have not received an appointment letter, please direct your MSO or department chair to this section of the Unit 18 MOU.  If you have questions or concerns about your appointment for next year, please contact your local field representative.  

Whether or not you have received an appointment letter for next year, pre-six NSF are eligible to collect unemployment during breaks in service over the summer.  Check out the unemployment page on UC-AFT’s website for details on how to apply and appeal for unemployment insurance.

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.