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UC-AFT Insider June 2016


University Council-AFT Insider                    
June 2, 2016

In this issue:

  • Appointment Not Renewed?  Please Complete Our End-of-Term Exit Interview
  • June 7 Primary Endorsements
  • Librarian Bargaining Begins—Competitiveness, Consistency, Compression
  • Statewide Writing Program Collaboration--July 29 Burbank
  • Unit 18 Salary Increase—Check Your June 1 Paystub

Appointment Not Renewed?  Please Complete Our End-of-Term Exit Interview
UC-AFT has launched an online exit interview so lecturers can self-report when their appointment has not been renewed. There are a variety of reasons that appointments are not renewed. Some are contractually legitimate, some are not, and some represent employment practices that UC-AFT would like to change in the future. If your appointment has not yet been renewed, please complete the exit interview. Your responses will be essential to our future efforts to stabilize lecturer appointments. 

June 7 Primary Endorsements
UC-AFT member representatives from every campus voted unanimously to endorse Bernie Sanders for President because of his long record of fighting for a fair and just economy for all Americans. Bernie believes, as we do, that higher education should be accessible to all qualified students regardless of economic background. Bernie will fight to end the student debt crisis and for free higher education. Polling in California is very close, so voter turnout will be essential for a Bernie victory here.  Please find and join GOTV efforts in your community at the following link:

Also, check the California Federation of Teachers' website for statewide endorsements, or use their Educator’s Choice tool to search for local endorsements based on your address.

Librarian Bargaining Begins—Competitiveness, Consistency, Compression
Contract negotiations between UC-AFT Librarians and the University began May 24 in Oakland. UC-AFT presented proposals for Article 13 Salary and Article 3 Professional Activities and Development. Read the bargaining update on the UC-AFT website. Also, check out the current issue of California Teacher for a recent article on these negotiations.

Statewide Writing Program Collaboration--July 29 Burbank
UC-AFT will hold a one-day meeting of lecturers from writing programs on all UC campuses. An agenda and meeting objectives are posted to the UC-AFT website. If you are interested in helping organize the meeting, contact Roxi Power (UCD, UCB, UCSC and UCM) or Jon Keeperman (UCSD, UCR, UCI, UCLA and UCSB).

Unit 18 Salary Increase—Check Your June 1 Paystub
On February 27, 2016, UC-AFT members ratified a new contract that delivers salary increases of at least 11.2% over the life of the contract. The first raises were due June 1, so please check your paystub.

  • If you were employed in the bargaining unit on April 1 and are on payroll on June 1 with a 10% or greater appointment, you will receive a $215 lump-sum payment with your June 1 paycheck.
  • In addition to the lump sum, all Unit 18 faculty will receive a 3.2% across the board increase June 1.

Join UC-AFT:  Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.