UC-AFT Insider June 2019
University Council-AFT Insider
June 9, 2019
In this issue:
- UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update: Session #2 at UCR
- UC Retirement System Advisory Board Election--Vote by June 17
- AFT Contingent Faculty Quality of Work Life Survey
- Member Spotlight: John Rundin--Political Power Broker (VP for Legislation), Classicist, Cyclist and Reader
UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Update: Session #2 at UCR
On Tuesday, June 4 at UC Riverside, our team presented an extensive revision of Article 8 Instructional Support along with testimonials from members on the importance of access to PI status, equity with senate faculty for TA and reader support, and more. UC proposed a significant reduction to the Professional Development Fund and some concerning changes to definitions and enforcement provisions in Article 4 Non-Discrimination in employment. Read the full update with photos here.
UC Retirement System Advisory Board Election--Vote by June 17
Several unions from the UC Union Coalition, including UC-AFT, have endorsed Ruth Zolayvar for a seat on the UC Retirement System Advisory Board. Check here for additional information about Ruth’s mission to protect the pension fund and for details on how UCRP members can cast their vote in this election.
AFT Contingent Faculty Quality of Work Life Survey
Over the past 30 years, the use of academic workers with contingent employment has skyrocketed. Contingent faculty—including non-tenure track professors, adjuncts and lecturers make up over 70% of all faculty nationally. AFT is conducting a national survey of its contingent faculty members. Data from this survey will be used to help AFT prepare policy papers and will be used to describe adjunct-contingent working conditions in future AFT documents. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.
Member Spotlight: John Rundin--Political Power Broker (VP for Legislation), Classicist, Cyclist and Reader
John Rundin has been an active union leader at UC Davis for over a decade. He’s held several positions and roles with our Davis Local and he’s one of our most active leaders statewide with membership outreach and recruitment. Over the years, John has been a central figure in our legislative and political work, and he was recently elected as UC-AFT Vice President for Legislation. Please take a moment to read our Member Spotlight interview to learn more about John and his teaching and union work.
Join UC-AFT: Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form. Your membership has never been more important to the success of our organization!
Already a Member and want to help defend our union, and our work as educators? Volunteer to be a UC-AFT liaison in your department or library.
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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.
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