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UC-AFT Insider May 2019


University Council-AFT Insider                   
May 3, 2019

In this issue:

·       Librarians Ratify New Five-Year Contract with 20.6-23.6% Raisesucaft190329a.png

·       UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Demand Ratification & Bargaining Update #1

·       Council Executive Board Election Results

·       AFSCME Strike May 16:  Guidance for UC-AFT Members


Librarians Ratify New Five-Year Contract with 20.6-23.6% Raises
After nearly one year of bargaining, and an amazing bargaining campaign, our librarian members secured a new contract with historic raises and important gains in other areas.  With 94% of the bargaining unit voting, 98% voted to ratify the new agreement. Over the coming weeks, each local will hold contract education meetings to discuss details and ways that we can continue to organize throughout the life of this contract.  

UC-AFT Faculty Bargaining Demand Ratification & Bargaining Update #1 58751171_2604695686224783_4085029706888380416_o (1).jpg
As we begin our Faculty contract campaign, we are asking union members to ratify our bargaining demands. Please read our full list of bargaining demands and submit your ratification at the bottom of the page. At our first bargaining session in Davis on April 17, we had nearly ninety members and supporters attend throughout the day.  It was a fantastic kickoff to negotiations and it was supported by kickoff events on several other campuses.  Read the bargaining update here.

Council Executive Board Elections Results
At the UC-AFT Council meeting on April 13 in Berkeley, the 2019-20 Council Executive Board was elected for one-year terms beginning June 15, 2019.

President, Mia McIverIMG_0499.jpg
V.P. for Legislation, John Rundin
V.P. for Organizing, Daniel Schoorl
V.P. for Grievances, Carla Arbagey
Secretary/Treasurer, Miki Goral

Congratulations to our new and continuing officers! Sincere gratitude and thanks to Ben Harder and Roxi Power for their incredible contribution of time, energy and wisdom during their terms.

AFSCME Strike May 16:  Guidance for UC-AFT Members

AFSCME has announced a new strike date on May 16. UC-AFT members are encouraged to respect the picket line and join our colleagues on the line as much as possible during this one-day strike.  Please review this strike guidance post from the previous one-day AFSCME and UPTE strike.

Join UC-AFT: Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership formYour membership has never been more important to the success of our organization!

Already a Member and want to help defend our union, and our work as educators? Volunteer to be a UC-AFT liaison in your department or library.

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.