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UC-AFT Insider October 2018


University Council-AFT Insider
October 18, 2018

In this issue:

  • The Single Most Important Thing That Lecturers Need to Know (About Your Union)
  • Librarian Bargaining--Promises, Promises…Waiting No More
  • AFSCME and UPTE Strike October 23-25--UC-AFT Member Rights and Responsibilities
  • UC-AFT Building Power Through Solidarity—Action Items

The Single Most Important Thing That Lecturers Need to Know (About Our Union)
Your engagement matters. That’s the single most important thing lecturers need to know about our union. Your engagement matters, whether you teach one class per year or nine. Everything important that we do and accomplish is built upon a basic connection or relationship between colleagues in our union. We believe in our work and our ability to improve our working conditions. We believe that every lecturer matters. That’s the ethic at the core of our work. We need your help to make these connections. Your union colleagues are very easy to find and we’re eager to talk, support and connect you. Please get in touch soon. And, become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.

Librarian Bargaining--Promises, Promises…Waiting No More
“After 23 years, we’re done waiting for the University of California to keep its promise. Despite the University’s claim that it is committed to competitive salaries for librarians, our starting salaries fall anywhere from 20-25% behind those of CSU and California community college librarians, and almost 30% behind public librarians in the Bay Area and Los Angeles.” So concludes the most recent post on our librarian bargaining campaign blog, which connects the current librarian pay lag directly to a 1995 decision by the Academic Senate to decouple librarian salaries from senate faculty salaries. On October 19 at UC Berkeley, our bargaining team will respond to UC’s meager offer on salary with a counter proposal to close the pay gap and make UC librarian salaries competitive once again.

AFSCME and UPTE Strike October 23-25--UC-AFT Member Rights and Responsibilities
Our coworkers in AFSCME 3299 and UPTE have announced a three-day strike October 23-25 on all campuses and medical centers. We encourage all UC-AFT members to join the picket lines when you can. Lecturers have a “no strikes” clause in effect, which means you are free to picket during non-class times. The librarian contract is expired, which means the no strikes clause is not currently in effect. Librarians are free to honor the picket line and are protected by law if you choose to do so. Please take a minute to review UC-AFT member rights and responsibilities for more information and detail.

UC-AFT Building Power Through Solidarity—Action Items
Lecturers…Please support our librarian colleagues by signing our petition demanding academic freedom protections. Lecturers have AF protections through Article 2 of the Unit 18 MOU. Unfortunately, in negotiations, UC is denying academic freedom to librarians saying, “it is not a good fit” for their positions.

Librarians…Please reach out to non-Senate faculty in your departments to inform them about librarian bargaining and invite them to learn more about the benefits and value of our union!

Join UC-AFT: Become a member of UC-AFT using our easy online membership form.

Already a Member and want to help defend our union, and our work as educators? Volunteer to be a UC-AFT liaison in your department or library.

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.