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UC-AFT Insider October 2020


UC-AFT Insider

October 15, 2020

  • UC-AFT...Our Union, by the Numbers
  • Defending our Rights and Livelihoods...Recent UC-AFT Battles and Victories!
  • ABC Votes...Encourage Your Students to Vote
  • Teaching Faculty Bargaining...RSVP Now for October 27 Session

UC-AFT...Our Union, by the Numbers
6500 Teaching Faculty at UC over an academic year. 365 Librarians in our UC bargaining unit. 7 Librarians in our UC Hastings bargaining unit. 140 K-12 Teachers and Demonstration Teachers at the Lab, Geffen and Preuss schools. 50 UC-AFT members on our negotiating teams actively participating at the table during Librarian, Teaching Faculty, Hastings Librarian and K-12 bargaining. 5 elected statewide Executive Board officers. 136 elected and appointed leaders on Local Boards and Collectives. 35 members active on 5 statewide issue committees. 8 UC-AFT staff members. We are a democratic, member-run, fighting union!

Defending our Rights and Livelihoods...Recent UC-AFT Battles and Victories!
Here's a brief rundown of our recent work enforcing our contracts and labor law, including some important victories.

The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) agreed with us that UCLA management failed to bargain in good faith over COVID measures at the UCLA Lab School. Because PERB recognized UCLA's delays as unacceptable, UCLA management can no longer avoid serious negotiations over proposals that are essential to the health and safety of our members and the minor children in their K-12 classrooms.


PERB is now considering three other Unfair Labor Practice charges we have filed over:

Finally, we just received a ruling in our salary (wage theft) arbitration. The neutral, third-party arbitrator found in our favor: Unit 18 faculty should have received the same raise that tenure-track faculty did on July 1, 2019. That means UC-AFT faculty are due an extra 1% salary increase (plus interest) for the past 16 months. While the details of implementing this award remain to be worked out, it is a huge victory for UC-AFT, our members, and #FacultyEquity. And it's proof that when we fight, we win!


ABC Vote Resources...Encourage Your Students to Register and Vote
After a presentation from ABC Vote at our Council meeting in July, the Council voted to ask members to encourage students to register and to vote. Typically, ABC Vote does voter registration and turnout in-person, on campuses, but that’s not possible during COVID. Please direct students to to register or to re-register if their address has changed. The deadline to request a mail in ballot is October 19. For your protection and to maintain the project's integrity, please remain non-partisan. You might consider showing this short video prepared by ABC Vote.


Teaching Faculty Bargaining...RSVP Now for the October 27 Session
Our next bargaining session will be on October 27, 9-11am. UC-AFT members, senate faculty and student allies are invited and welcome! RSVP here to receive the Zoom link and other details. We are zeroing in on our job stability demands for a transparent and consistent rehire process, multi-year contracts, and seniority provisions that will keep proven teachers in the classroom. Join us to let UC management know you stand behind these demands and that there will be no signed contract until we get job stability for pre-continuing faculty. 1900...the number of Teaching Faculty who taught at UC last year and have not been reappointed for 20-21. This is why we fight! #SolidarityDefeatsPrecarity