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UC-AFT Insider September 2017


University Council-AFT Insider
September 14, 2017

In this issue:

·AB 119 Bargaining Update: Meaningful Improvements to New Employee Orientations

·Successful Effects Bargaining Over Library Reorganization at UCR

·UC-AFT Statement Opposing DACA Cancellation

·Mia McIver’s Public Comment at the September 13 Regents Meeting

·Pubs and Pieces--Our Work, In Brief: Sasha Abramsky’s Jumping at Shadows

AB 119 Bargaining Update: Meaningful Improvements to New Employee Orientations
On September 12, our 13-member bargaining team met with Labor Relations and Human Resources representatives at UC Irvine to begin negotiating over the implementation of Assembly Bill 119, which gives our union the right to meaningful contact with newly-hired employees during onboarding and orientation. Our bargaining team comprised both lecturers and librarians as we joined together to support each other and maximize our power. Check out the full update for details on our proposals and UC’s response.

UC-AFT Statement Opposing DACA Cancellation
As contingent faculty and librarians at the University of California, we work every day with DACAmented students and colleagues. These Dreamers, who were brought to the US by their families as children, are courageous, hard-working, ambitious young people. We have seen first-hand how DACA has transformed their lives, families, and communities. Each and every UC campus is better because of immigrant youth who study and work here. Read the full statement here.

Successful Effects Bargaining Over Library Reorganization at UCR
A team of UC-AFT librarians at UCR met with library administrators on that campus to negotiate over the effects of a planned reorganization in the library. An agreement was reached, in the form of a side letter to the MOU, that requires updates to statements of responsibilities, clarifies review process, provides notice for changes in work location, preserves our right to negotiate over unforeseen effects of the reorganization, and retains work within the bargaining unit. Congratulations to negotiating team members: Michael Yonezawa, Christine Cicchetti, Katherine Koziar and Carla Arbagey!

Mia McIver’s Public Comment at the September 13 Regents Meeting
UC-AFT President and UCLA Writing Program Lecturer, Mia McIver, traveled to the Regents meeting in San Diego to show solidarity with other UC unions who are currently in negotiations, and to comment on current issues facing UC-AFT members and our students. Read Mia’s brief public comment here.

Pubs and Pieces--Our Work, In Brief: Sasha Abramsky’s Jumping at Shadows
UC Davis Lecturer, Sasha Abramsky, has a new book, Jumping at Shadows: The Triumph of Fear and the End of the American Dream. Check out this quick introduction to Sasha’s work and his new book written by UC-AFT Local 2023 President, John Rundin.

If you have a recent publication or other notable work, please share it with us and we’ll share it our members in our Pubs and Pieces series!

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The University Council – American Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the California Federation of Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO.