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UC-AFT Leader, John Rundin, Connects with Jerry Brown


jerryBrownAndJohnRunidn.jpgUC-AFT Local 2023 President, John Rundin, met with Governor Brown last week to discuss the need for better accounting of the cost of educating different types of students within UC and for greater transparency in the UC budget. Rundin and Brown are seen exchanging phone numbers in the photo to the right.

Governor Brown has proposed a 10 million dollar boost in State funding for UC Online with the goal of reducing instructional costs. UC-AFT is working to convince the Governor and state legislators that the cost of undergraduate education, where UC Online is targeting its courses, is already very low.  If Governor Brown is interested in cost containment at UC, he needs to push the UC administration to work to lower costs in administration, athletics, graduate and professional schools, and sponsored research.

20130128__MG_5617.jpgHere's Governor Brown responding to a question from John Rundin during CFT's annual reception for incoming legislators.

Photos courtesy of Steve Yeater CFT.