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UC-AFT Participates in Solidarity Actions with UCB Strike


Nov%2015%20Bob_2.jpgUCI Librarian Mitchell Brown speaking to the crowd during the solidarity rally at UCI on November 15th.  Here's an excerpt from UCI's campus paper New University.

“The University is very concerned with its perception in the world,” said UCI Librarian for Chemistry, Earth System Science and& Russian Studies Mitchell Brown, using the campus libraries’ struggle to keep up availability to students to comment on the broader impacts of state- level cuts to higher education. “I want someone who’s a free thinker, who challenges conformity […] libraries are an essential part of that. Libraries are about rigorous confrontation of knowledge. Libraries are a place for dialogue. What’s good for the libraries is good for the students.”

Bob Samuels teaching on the steps of Powell Library at UCLA

Kristen Koster speaking at the solidarity rally at Davis
