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UC-AFT Systemwide Executive Board Elections April 21


Candidates for UC-AFT Statewide Office for 2012-2013 are hereby submitted to the University Council-AFT for election at the statewide council meeting on Saturday, 21 April 2012, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel (Burlingame, CA).

Please place this item on the council agenda.  The University Council-AFT statewide candidates are:

President:    Bob Samuels  (UCLA)

V. P. Organizing:  Mike Rotkin(UCSC)

V. P. Legislation: Axel Borg(UCD)

V.P. Grievances:  Alan Karras(UCB)
                            Roy Vallis(UCSB)

Sec. Treas.:       Miki Goral(UCLA)

The University Council-AFT Statewide Nominations Committee will conduct the election of the statewide officers at the 21 April Council Meeting.

Candidates statements are posted here.

I want to thank the University Council Nominations Committee members for their excellent work and service on the committee.

Respectfully submitted 
In unity,

Sally Willson Weimer, UCSB,
University Council Statewide Nominations Committee chair
Stephanie Kay, UCR,

Ken Lyons, UCSC,