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UC Walkout and Teach-in Day - September 24, 2009


Faculty, staff and students across the UC system are planning a walk out on September 24th in protest of budget cuts, fee increases, and furloughs for UC workers.   Many faculty are dismayed at the rationale behind recent executive actions, and at the apparent suspension of shared governance by UCOP as some critical decisions have been made.  Of particular concern to some members of the Senate Faculty was the decision by UCOP not to allow faculty to take furlough days on teaching days.  This same decision resulted in the exemption of lecturers from the furlough program.

In addition to the walkout, the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE-CWA) is holding a one-day strike on the 24th.  The strike is an unfair labor practice strike over UC's refusal to bargain with UPTE.

Lecturers and librarians with UC-AFT contracts may not withhold their labor, or participate in sympathy strikes with other UC employees. UC-AFT Vice President for Organizing, Mike Rotkin, has written a detailed explanation of our rights and responsibilities with respect to the actions taking place on September 24th.

We are encouraging our members to participate in events on the 24th to the extent they can.  There will be picket lines to join, and rallies to attend on almost every campus.  We are free to join the picket lines any time other than scheduled classes, office hours and department meetings.

For more information on the system wide faculty walkout visit the official website.