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UCSD Chapter of UC-AFT Local 1474 Condemns the University’s Response to Peaceful Protestors


UCSD Chapter of UC-AFT Local 1474 Condemns the University’s Response to Peaceful Protestors  

The UCSD chapter of UC-AFT Local 1474 condemns the university’s violent response to the peaceful student solidarity encampment at UCSD on May 6, 2024 and the ongoing repression of academic freedom and first amendment rights. As librarians and lecturers, contingent faculty who teach over a third of campus credits, we assert our right to a voice in campus affairs that directly impact our working conditions and our students' learning conditions.


Chancellor Pradeep Khosla and his administration’s actions have undermined trust and respect across our campus community. His decision to bring law enforcement in riot gear onto our campus created an environment of hostility and fear, affecting our ability to teach and access our worksites and our students’ ability to learn. Lecturers were forced to change course modality at the last minute, postpone lessons, and redesign course materials with reverberations that have lasted beyond May 6th. Students were turned away from campus and unable to access their on-campus housing, interfering with their ability to attend class and to study. The Chancellor’s actions run counter to our university’s stated values and principles of community.


We call for Chancellor Khosla’s immediate resignation.


We demand accountability from the UCSD administration and call for acknowledgement of the harm caused by their actions, to immediately cease all retaliation against peaceful protesters, including that all charges be dropped, and to engage in genuine dialogue and reconciliation with the affected members of our community.


We affirm our support of the right to free speech and peaceful protest and demand the University uphold members’ rights, safety, and working conditions.


This call joins many others across our campus: