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Unit 18 Bargaining Update #5



The UC-AFT bargaining team met with four members of UC's bargaining team at Irvine on Friday, April 29. We spent some time explaining to UC why our members need more than 60 days of notice if they are to be laid off from more than two courses. (We had already done this last time, but the UC team members asked us to go over our rationale again.) We also discussed the relationship between budget uncertainty and layoff. Finally, we spent some time working through our shared understanding of Discipline and Dismissal; I hope that we can reach agreement on that article next time (since there are only minimal changes that clarify what both sides believe is already the process that are being discussed). 

And speaking of next time, we have scheduled a three-day meeting at UCI, beginning on the 18th of May. We provided to UC a list of articles that we have opened and that we want to discuss and, we believe, resolve at that meeting. UC tells us that they will have more people at that meeting.

Alan Karras

Unit 18 Chief Negotiator
