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Unit 18 NSF Contractual Rights Training


Sandy Baringer, UC-AFT VP of Grievances
Ben Harder, UCR Grievance Steward; Unit 18 Bargaining Team

Time segments are approximate

10-10:30am, Introductions, overview     

  • HEERA (Higher Education Employee/Employer Relations Act)
  • – Government Code section 3560 et seq
  • PERB (Pubic Employee Relations Board)
  • PERB decision bank –
  • Unit definition – HEERA sections 3573-81
  • ULP (unfair labor practice) – HEERA sections 3565-3572.5:
  • Duty to meet & confer, good faith bargaining;
  • No unilateral change in terms of employment within scope of bargaining;
  • May not retaliate against or intimidate employees for concerted activity
  • DFR (duty of fair representation) HEERA sections 3571.1 & 3578 – to everyone in the unit, union member or not
  • Weingarten rights - NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 U.S. 251 (1975) – right of union representative to attend where a reasonable expectation exists that the meeting is to discuss discipline, discharge, or a change in personal working conditions  

10:30-11:15am - UC-AFT Database

  • Source
  • Uses
  • Sample exercise and generation of lists

11:15-11:30am – RFIs (Requests for Information) – introductory comments and examples

11:30-12 -  Introduction to Gripes & Grievances

12 noon – LUNCH

1:00-4:00 pm – Gripes & Grievances continued

4:00-5:00pm – the grievance steps, and the arbitration processes (Articles 32, 33)

5:00-6:00pm – Q&A; anything else that comes up

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