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Update from Regents Meeting at UCLA


384840_10101531407314281_2003324_83749294_1226409633_n_0.jpgAs of 1:30pm today, a group of students is in a meeting with UCLA Chancellor Block and a few members of the Board of Regents.  This meeting was agreed to after students and others shut down the Regents meeting following the public comment period.   The group was chanting and demanding an open dialogue on the issues when the Regents agreed to talk in a smaller, student-run meeting.  

During the public comment period, speakers asked the Regents to sign the pledge to get more tax revenue to support higher education, and to make real moves to stop police violence on UC campuses.

At this time, a large crowd remains outside in Bruin Plaza waiting for the meeting between the students, Chancellor and Regents to end.  

UC Regents meeting: Students voice concerns over tuition, pepper spraying 89.3 KPCC w/ Bob Samuels