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Your Union and the Future of California--A Message from Bob Samuels


UC-AFT, in conjunction with our statewide affiliate, CFT, and our national organization, AFT, played a central role in developing and passing Proposition 30.  First we marched in support of the Millionaire’s Tax, and we helped to form a strong coalition among student groups, faculty, unions, and grassroots organization like ACCE and the Courage Campaign.  Then, working with the leaders of CFT, we pushed the governor’s original tax initiative in a much more progressive direction, and we negotiated a tuition buyout for the UC system.  Once the campaign started, we held several rallies on the UC campuses, and we worked closely with Governor Brown to mobilize students to vote.  We also put pressure on President Yudof to send a message to students and faculty about the importance of Prop 30 and the need to register to vote.  UC-AFT then mobilized our staff and members to participate in phone banking and precinct walking. The end result of all of this effort and organization may be a historic shift in American politics.  Not only did we use people power to defeat big money, but we showed the rest of the country that citizens will support higher taxes to fund public education.  Let us hope that passing Prop 30 and defeating Prop 32 is a major step in creating a more just and progressive society. I want to thank everyone for this effort, and let you know that your dues have been well spent to protect public higher education in California. 

Bob Samuels

President, UC-AFT