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Bay Area Chapter Candidate Statements - Spring 2024 Executive Board Elections

Candidates for Board Members (Serving One-Year Terms)

Nicholas Dehler, Chemical & Physical Sciences Librarian, UC Berkeley

Sign the Petition for Timely Resolution of U18 Backlogged Reviews

UC Berkeley’s backlog of merit, excellence, and senior continuing lecturer reviews has led to excessive delays in merit and promotion processes for Unit 18 faculty. Our UC-AFT chapter filed a grievance last year, but the university still has not rectified this issue. We’re now counting member support to communicate our urgency.

A call from every corner of campus: fully fund the UC Berkeley Library

August 16, 2023

Recently, the University of California Berkeley released the Report of the Joint Academic and Administrative Working Group on the University Library. The report lays out a dire portrait of systematic defunding of the UC Berkeley Libraries, and explores the serious consequences for the future of research, teaching, and learning at Berkeley if the current course is not corrected. 

A Vision for UCB Library Services Under the Specter of Austerity

U17 Bay Area Chapter members came together to issue as statement against austerity in the Berkeley Library. As student enrollment continues to increase, campus funding remains stagnant, and decades of neoliberal ideology have eroded the public good, the Berkeley campus faces acute pressures to maintain excellent education and research conditions while library workers are expected to do more with less. 

UC-AFT Local 1474 Librarian Statement in Support of BLM

UC-AFT Local 1474 Lecturers and Librarians approved the following statement today.

UC-AFT Local 1474 Lecturers and Librarians affirm that black lives matter and we call for an immediate end to police violence everywhere. 


UC-AFT Professional Development Fund Call for Applications 2021


2021 Call for Applications: Professional Development Fund (PDF) Grant for Lecturers and Other Represented Unit 18 Faculty at UC Berkeley

Bay Area Chapter Candidate Statements - Spring 2022 Executive Board Elections


Candidates for Co-Chair

Barbara Barnes, UCB Continuing Lecturer, Gender & Women’s Studies

UC-AFT 1474 Spring 2018 Bylaws Amendment Vote

Statement Explaining Proposed Bylaws Changes
The Executive Board of our Local has proposed a few minor changes to our bylaws:
