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UC-AFT Resolution on Academic Freedom--A Response to UC Investigations into Faculty Activism


UC-AFT Resolution on Academic Freedom in light of UCOP's recent efforts against initiatives by Senate and Non-Senate Faculty.

Whereas an internet performative collaboration, (, was done by U.C. faculty and

Whereas such action is part of a Senate faculty member's mode of often collaborative art practice and

Whereas this tenured Senate Faculty, Professor Ricardo Dominguez, was hired and promoted by the U.C. San Diego Visual Arts Department for this and other kinds of "new media" work and

Whereas, in this case, has involved Unit 18 members such as Micha Cárdenas in his department as well as Ken Ehrlich at U.C. Riverside whose rights are protected by an MOU with the UC-AFT and

Whereas, a similar work was done without UCOP intervention a year ago by Professor Dominguez and

Whereas, UCOP initiated an investigation by the Senior Vice Chancellor (SVC) of ( and

Whereas, UCOP by its actions seems intent upon a shut down of the bang.lab's research server, which hosts student publications, the lab's blog and essential class services including a wiki,

Be it resolved that said action by UCOP is an unwarranted assault upon the academic rights and freedoms of it faculty and

Be it further resolved that the UC-AFT call upon UCOP to cease and desist in this and any other attempts to stifle free expression by faculty and students and

Be it further resolved that the UC-AFT will join with other members of the academic community, individuals, groups and organizations in the community to protect academic rights and privileges