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Unit 18 Bargaining Update #3 March 30, 2011



I am writing with a brief update about today's bargaining session, which I would characterize once again as very collegial and, indeed, productive. We are making very good progress on a number of open articles. In particular, we are very close to clarifying, once and for all, which "file" is meant in each article that mentions files. Moreover, we have clarified that lecturers have access to their files, and when such access can take place. This may seem a small matter, but it does impact a large number of articles. We also discussed the Discipline and Dismissal article, clarifying what we think the article now requires and indicating where clearer language would be beneficial. Finally, we spent some time working on the layoff article. There are a number of small issues here that can be easily fixed, and a couple of larger ones--such as the notice period for layoff--that will take a bit longer. But both sides explained their concerns and began to identify some potential solutions.  We are meeting again, in Oakland, on 15 April. I'll send a further update sometime soon thereafter.

Alan Karras

Unit 18 Chief Negotiator

Associate Director and Senior Lecturer Intl & Area Studies Program UCB

