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April 4th Media Coverage


More than 200 join rally to promote collective bargaining rights--Santa Cruz Sentinel

SANTA CRUZ - Pro-union chants and songs rang out from the steps of the County Government Center as more than 200 people gathered Monday for a rally to promote the importance of collective bargaining rights for all workers during a time some states have called for an end to unions.... Barry Kirschen, a longtime high school teacher and head of Greater Santa Cruz Federation of Teachers, said students will pay the price when the state further reduces education funding.

Rally supports workers’ rights

Posted: Monday, Apr 4th, 2011 9:00pm
BY: TODD GUILD Register Pajaronian
About a hundred people gathered in Watsonville Plaza Monday, waving signs and chanting slogans in a rally that was echoed in more than 1,000 places throughout the U.S....Francisco Rodriguez, president of the Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers, which organized the Watsonville event, said the rally was intended to show solidarity with  where workers’ rights are threatened.

Union members rally for solidarity 

Daily Californian - ‎8 hours ago‎
The protesters included members of United Auto Worker Local 2865, which represents GSIs; University Council-American Federation of Teachers, which represents non-Academic Senate faculty members and librarians; and the American Federation of State, ...