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Tell the Senate Rules Committee to Reject David Crane Now!


timthumb.php_.jpegIn a recent op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, UC Regent Designate, David Crane, wrote that California's public employees should not have collective bargaining rights.  Crane wrote this op-ed shortly after the Governor of Wisconsin used a questionable tactic to strip collective bargaining rights from Wisconsin's public workers.  

Crane is one of seven investment bankers on the UC Board of Regents.  He has no relevant higher education experience.  The University of California needs Regents who understand that the high quality of education at UC is made possible by the contributions of UC workers and their unions.

Crane helped Governor Schwarzenegger cut the vehicle license tax while borrowing billions of dollars to run the State.  Now, the State has a massive deficit and Crane's answer is to take away the ability of state workers to negotiate dignified retirements, safe working environments, and livable wages.

“Close to 50 percent of the employees in the UC system are covered by collective bargaining agreements. It therefore makes no sense to have a Regent who is against unions and half of the workers.  We need Regents who are about education and the people who make the university work.” – Bob Samuels, President of the University Council – American Federation of Teachers

CALL and E-MAIL the Senate Rules Committee TODAY and ask them to:

  1. Speed up the process to bring Regent Crane a hearing in front of the Rules Committee
  2. Reject Regent Crane

 Visit this link to e-mail the Rules Committee:

Call these Senators: 

Elaine K. Alquist- (916) 651-4013   (408) 286-8313

Kevin De Leon- (916) 651-4022     (213) 612-9566


Take Action Today to Stop David Crane!  California Deserves Better.

Sign this petition from Christine Rosen, Associate Professor at Haas School of Business UCB.

Related News Coverage

Crane's Op-Ed in the S.F. Chronicle 2-27-11

Senator Ted Lieu's Rebuttal to David Crane's Op-Ed 3-4-11

S.F. Chronicle Editorial Bashing Leeland Yee for Calling Out Crane 3-8-11

Beyond Chron-Yee is Right, Chronicle is Wrong on Crane  3-9-11

S.F. Bay Guardian-Is Crane just Another Kockhead? 3-9-11 

UC Regent Crane traveling rocky road toward confirmation hearing 5-13-11