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Kind Words and a Donation for UC-AFT


Donald Johns was a lecturer in the Writing Program at UC Davis for many years.  Upon his retirement this spring, Donald provided a monetary gift to the UC-AFT Local at Davis, and had the following kind words for his union.

 "I would just note that my reasons are simple: I recognize that the union is largely responsible for my ability to have had a decent career and to enjoy a decent retirement. Moreover, I believe that no entity is more concerned with the quality of undergraduate education than UC-AFT. The  analysis of the ongoing budget crisis that I read in the newsletter and on the website is the most thorough and thoughtful to be found. I plan to contribute annually as long as I am able. Finally, I urge all as-yet unaffiliated UC Davis academic staff who are eligible to please join the union now and support the effort to preserve gains while working toward a more humane learning and working environment."