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Local 1474 (UCB) Letter to Tom Leonard


August 23, 2011

Tom Leonard
University Librarian
The Library--Librarian's Office
255 Doe Library
UC Berkeley campus                                                                     

Dear Tom,

As you know UC librarians are again embarked on salary negotiations, after a one-year mutually-agreed-upon hiatus.  Since our last salary negotiation we have accepted furlough cuts and have taken effective pay cuts due to higher medical premiums and retirement contributions.  We have lost some of our most effective colleagues, and many of us have taken on substantial additional assignments to keep the Library afloat.  Much as we love the University, these are sore blows to the morale and quality of life of librarians. On top of these, the University has chosen to withhold earned merit increases from high performing librarians, a measure that seems particularly punitive.

We librarians would appreciate a chance to meet with you, not to engage in negotiations, which are of course left to those responsible for bargaining, but simply to get a sense of your thoughts regarding our efforts to achieve a fair salary.  Please pick a day between now and September 1 and name your time where librarians can hear your views in an open forum.  If you can meet with us during lunch hour, more librarians could attend.  We look forward to hearing what you, as our
leader, think.  Email Lynn Jones; she will reserve a room and get the word out to the librarians.


Librarian members of AFT Local 1474