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Update on strike endorsements and schedule for the 15th at UCB


From Reclaim UC blog

The following groups have endorsed the November 15th higher education strike: 

UC Berkeley Faculty Association
UCSF Faculty Association
UC Davis Faculty Association
UC San Diego Faculty Association
The UC Council of Faculty Associations

AFSCME 3299 - UC patient care and service employees
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
California Nurses Association
Communities for a New California
UAW 2865 - UC student employees
UAW 4123 - CSU student employees
UC-AFT - UC lecturers and librarians 

Below is the working schedule of events for UCB: 

8am-5pm: All day open university activities (teach-outs, workshops, public readings, installations, etc.) at Sproul Plaza and surrounding areas.

Noon: Mass convergence at Sproul Hall and formal inauguration of day-long open university. 

Noon – 2pm: Teach-outs in Sproul Plaza.

2pm: Rally against police violence and other, related forms of violence, including dispossession, privatization, and debt.

2:30pm: March to Berkeley High and Berkeley City College.

5pm: General Assembly at Sproul Plaza.

After the GA: reestablishment of Occupy Cal encampment.