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Actions Planned for Wednesday November 16 Proceed Despite Postponement of Regents Meeting


Despite the Regents' cancellation of their meeting, plans by the statewide Refund CA coalition for a rally and march in San Francisco Wednesday are still on, with some changes in times, locations, and bus schedules.  There will also be activities at the CSU Trustees' meeting in Long Beach.  These events will make the connections between the mortgate debt crisis and the student debt crisis, between the foreclosures on homes and the foreclosures on public education.  See below for a statement by the Public Action Coalition explaining Wednesday's actions.

The short speaking program at Justin Herman Plaza will include UCSC Professor Robert Meister, author of "They Pledged Your Tuition: Open Letter to UC Students" (, Bay Area historical geographer Gray Brechin, author of Imperial San Francisco and Project Scholar of the California's Living New Deal Project, and students and workers from around the state.  

Berkeley/S.F. Schedule

10-10:30     Buses leave from Telegraph and Bancroft in Berkeley.
11:30-12     Buses arrive at Justin Herman Plaza in SF.
12:00-1       Rally at Justin Herman Plaza.
1-4               March to banks and corporate offices 

Public Education Coalition Statement on Actions This Wednesday, November 16

We claim the cancellation of the regents meeting as a victory for the public education movement.  We have asked educational leaders to sign a pledge to join us in our call to refund education in California by making the banks and wealthiest 1% pay, and they have yet to do this. So we will be having actions Wednesday.

 Southern California protesters will still converge at the CSU trustees meeting in Long Beach. Northern California protesters will rally and march in the San Francisco financial district, starting at the Justin Herman Plaza at noon and targeting businesses of regents and other educational leaders, to demonstrate that they are the 1%.

We will demand that they sign our pledge, and we will invite them to then join us as we continue the march to the state building in San Francisco. There we will demand that  government officials also support our pledge, and we will hold a People's Regents and Trustees meeting.